Merry Christmas 2021

Seasons Greetings, everybody!
It’s… sure been an entire year, huh? Believe me when I say that was entirely unintentional, but 2021 was sure a year. A year in which I mostly stayed at home and didn’t particularly want to sit typing a whole bunch of stuff whilst sat in front of the computer after having spent the entire day sat in front of the same desk for my day job, you know?
I had kind of been intending to write about Heybot, and I do have a backlog of Mikan Watch posts I could be making. I should really get to them soon.
Otherwise… I’m still watching about as much anime as I normally do, which admittedly tends to end up being not that much this time of year due to other things typically going on. The recent thing which generally sticks in my mind is the theatrical feature from earlier in the year, Pompo the Cineaphile, which you’ve probably missed in the cinema at this point if you are in the UK (though I gather has an upcoming US release). That movies a pretty good time.
Anyway, in the event that I completely forget to update again for the next year, I hope you have a Merry festive season, a good New Year, and that 2022 finds you all pretty good.
(Oh, Love Live Superstar was good, if you were really wondering what my opinions on recent Love Live cartoons were)