Mikan Watch #99: Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA

Posted by DiGiKerot in Mikan Watch at December 1, 2015 on 8:32 pm

Submitted by Hanners over Twitter, from episode 9 of Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA, the currently airing spin-off from the original Aria the Scarlet Ammo.

I can’t say I’m watching Aria AA. I watched the previous Aria anime, or Bad Aria as I sometimes refer to it, in an act of differentiation from that other show called Aria that has the boats and stuff. It wasn’t a particularly great show – coming at the time it did, it very much felt like the epitome of me-too tsundere-fuelled light-novel adaptations, made amusing largely through such absurdities as a school-uniform parachute and demon-vampire-werewolf Dracula (both of which I’ve just spoilt for you, rendering the value of the series minimal).

I hear Aria AA is actually pretty OK, though. Or pretty gay. Possibly both, as it’s hard to tell sometimes these days. I gather it eschews pretty much anything resembling an actual serious plot in favour of largely being daft (and sporadically mocking the originals protagonist), which is probably for the best. It had the misfortune of starting in October, though, and it’s a pretty big struggle for me to keep up with anything that isn’t easily available streaming to the UK this time of year given I’m out-and-about with event-related travel, and I’m not realistically going to find the time to go back and start it at this point.

And here is another image, with more butt. Because why not?

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